PCUG Committee Meeting

(Draft) minutes

Sunday 10th October


Present: John Saxon, Anne Greiner, Allan Mikkelsen, Al Kabaila, Rick Geary, Mike Dinn, Trevor Frew, Ann Byrne, Michael Lightfoot, Ted Macarthur, Keith Sayers.


Apologies: Terry Bibo, Jeremy Bishop



1.      President's Report


·            New volunteer organiser urgently needed. Ann Byrne volunteered.

·            Need to rationalise the Committee Mailing Lists. It was decided to use one e-mail address and CC others as needed.

·            David Lewis should be added to the Committee e-mail list until the 6th of November when his resignation from PCUG becomes effective.

·            Centre Lease: Decided to leave it at monthly, while other options were looked at.

·            Comindico contract: Noted that if Comindico go into receivership we can opt out of contract.

·            The Committee & ISSC to look at the options that Transact are offering.


2.      Treasurer's Report


·            The Treasurer reported he would be going to the Centre tomorrow to pick up current financial documents.

·            Bank Signatories: It was moved by the Treasurer that the following motion be accepted by the committee:
“That the following people be accepted as signatories to the PCUG banking accounts:
Deposit Account – Keith Sayers, John Saxon – Both to sign.
PCUG Working Account – Bank Signatories: Keith Sayers, John Saxon, Anne Greiner and Michael Lightfoot. Any two to sign.
Seconded: Trevor Frew – Carried

·            Richard Levingston has agreed to look at the Groups accounts and give feedback to Keith Sayers.


3.      Secretary’s Report


·            Letter of resignation from the committee received by John Telek

·            The Secretary requires a copy of the final Audited Accounts and a full list of the current committee members for the Registrar General.

·            Anne Greiner to collate and send out future Committee Meeting Agendas


4.      TIP Matters


·            Allan Mikkelsen noted that there is no backup person for Stephen Rothwell in the accounting area.

·            The new TIP increase in download allowances should be ready to implement by the 15th October

·            Ted inquired if we had paper/electronic records. Allan said electronic yes, however he believed that a previous committee threw out a lot of the paper records (mainly TIP applications and members Acceptable Use Policy agreements).

·            Tip ISSC to be reformed with 5 members. Allan Mikkelsen, Michael Lightfoot, Jeremy Bishop, Harry Souter and Mike Dinn,


5.      Other Business – Areas of Responsibility.


·            Centre Manager. Allan Hepworth is probably not available until after December, Allan Mikkelsen, Graeme Evans and Owen can probably cover until then.

·            Publicity and Communications. Anne Greiner

·            Legal – Leases and Contracts. John Saxon, Anne Greiner, and Keith Sayers.
Anne Greiner to contact Comindico and Transact to ask for electronic copies of our contracts”
– Noted that all future Committee documents should be in electronic format to go in the Committee area of TIP.

·            Training. Rick Geary

·            Magazine: Anne Greiner to help Trevor Frew setup a new template for a web version of 16 Bits Magazine. Trevor Frew and Terry Bilbo to co-ordinate monthly.

·            Monthly Meetings. Ann Byrne to contact Glenys Quigley re keys for Manning Clarke. Ted to organise meetings with Ken Ford. Ann to fill in until he gets back.

·            Webmaster. Allan Mikkelsen noted that the infrastructure was there but content needed to be supplied by the committee on a regular basis.
Mike to supply on-line calendars.

·            Membership Secretary. Approach Gordon Urquart – Anne Greiner to liaise,

·            Software Reviews. Terry Bibo (proposed)

·            Survey’s. Discuss on Jeremy’s return.

·            Volunteers Coordinator. Ann Byrne

·            SIGs Coordinator. Michael Lightfoot

·            Premises. Noted that consideration of the cost of making good our present premised must be taken into consideration.

·            Accounts: Alan Mikkelsen has agreed to forward the Treasurer the TIP logs of member users.

·            Access to back room of the Centre. Allan Mikkelsen and Keith Sayers to coordination access to the back room of the Centre.

·            Accounting. It was agreed by the Committee that the Executive Secretary should continue with bookkeeping on the MYOB accounting system. The Treasurer to take the primary accounting documents for the current and ongoing financial years to reconcile manually.




·            The President informed the Committee that he had received very positive feedback from members in support of the current committee, and for the proposal of the extra download/time limits.



·            Allan Mikkelsen to add David Lewis to Committee e-mail list

·            Ann Byrne to take over as Volunteer Organiser.

·            Anne Greiner to contact Willemson’s.

·            John Saxon to discuss Comindico contract with “tame” lawyer.

·            John Saxon to give Anne Greiner copy of the Final Audited Accounts and list of current Committee Members.

·            Allan Mikkelsen to send Committee Members a list of admin positions within TIP.

·            Ann Byrne to contact Glenys Quigley re Keys to ANU.

·            Anne Greiner to liaise with Gordon U re Membership Secretary Position.

·            Premises. ALL committee members to be involved.

·            Ann Byrne – Minutes to go out in RTF.


