Comments from the editor

Thank you to those who contributed to last month and this month's issue. A comment re last month is that the Digital SIG article was written by Terry Yan, and sent to me by Jeff Colwell, hence the fact that I credited Jeff, and not Terry.

I received a note from Jeff as soon as the issue "hit the streets". One good thing about all this is that we have a short note in this month's issue. Even if it didn't help Jeff's heart rhythm any.

As soon as the issue went to air, I made the following resolution: "Never, ever place a graphic on the front page".
Enough emphasis there?

I can receive articles in most text formats, but my preference is not to have any special font formatting, especially with regard to fonts. One space only between sentences, and no space before punctuation please. I use Microsoft Front Page to write hypertext pages like you're reading now. Note that it's not paper publishing software, and so I can't lay out text like one can with Word, Word Perfect, Publisher and the like. Bullets shouldn't be used unless absolutely necessary, and paragraph indents are not needed.

Publishing hypertext pages is a bit removed from typesetting in the printing trade. Nor is it being a typist in the sense of using courier for most things and uppercase for headings. After all, I now publish to pixels, not paper.

The first thing I do with articles received is to strip out font information and remove double spaces between sentences anyway. I'm all for keeping things mean and lean regarding file sizes and fonts, too.

Most browsers show the page title when reading hypertext pages. Speaking of browsers, I've "gone over" to Mozilla FireFox lately. I know that my computer has Internet Explorer anyway, but I prefer to be a bit different from most people.

Last month I was a little disappointed that Corel have purchased Jasc Software, the makers of Paint Shop Pro. The Jasc discussion forums no longer exist, either.

I'll have to find a useful jokes newsgroup to span my hours.

"I hear that if you play the Win XP CD backwards, you get a satanic message"
"That's nothing. If you play it forward, it installs Win XP!"
