Freeware discussion

Yes! I do use programs that I've paid for, but judging from the amount of discussion on the alt.comp.freeware newsgroup, I'm not alone with my liking for computer freeware programs. There are about 200 messages a day -- TrevorF.

File renaming

>> In directory D:\Temp\Pictures I have 100 files with same prefix :
>> Frame000.bmp
>> Frame001.bmp
>> What's the easiest way to rename all to, for example :
>> mymovie000.bmp
>> mymovie001.bmp
> Easiest way under XP, select all, and rename the first one.

Full instructions for this are at:

For a more flexible solution, look at Lupas Renamer:


CCleaner (Crap Cleaner) is a freeware system optimization tool that removes unused and temporary files from your system, allowing Windows to run faster, more efficiently and giving you more hard disk space. The best part is that it's fast! (normally taking less that a second to run) and Free.

In response to a query re Crap Cleaner going shareware, Boris responded:

This ("$hareware" thing, or as some call it "going to the other side") is an experiment, like most of things in my life. I'll see how it goes. In an ideal world I would work on better features than serial numbers and activation code validations, but there are real reasons (other than my curiosity) to why RegmagiK is no longer a freeware. When these reasons go away it will only be natural to remove


from my source code.

Until then, help me promote regmagik and your wish may come true. (This sounds just like these stupid messages that tell you to forward them to 15 people you know and a something good will happen to you in the next three days) So, cross it out.

The Windows XP Tweaking Companion (XPTC) is the complete Windows XP and
system optimization guide.

I've just begun to read through some of the 170 pages of information in this file. Author Koroush Ghazi covers a lot of ground in this guide, and it looks like I'm in for an interesting read.


MasterYourWindows 6.0 can auto-maximize the application you want,
simply by drag and drop

Clean Software

Over the years I have accumulated a set of daily-use free applications which I trust are free from spyware, adware, and other unpleasantness. I decided to catalog them at this web site for easy reference, since I find
myself repeatedly recommending the software to friends and colleagues:

Yes, there is much overlap with pricelessware!

For each title, there is an associated user comments section where anyone can contribute extra information about the title. The mandate of the site is to list daily-use free software that is free from nasties.

Quoting from the home page:

This site provides links to excellent daily-use free software that are believed to be free from spyware, adware, or other malicious or intrusive components. As a long time computer user, software developer, and student of Engineering and Computer Science I would not hesitate to use any of these programs myself.

The "clean" software listed in the categories is, to the best of the admin's knowledge, free from:

  • Adware - aggressive, unwelcome advertising
  • Spyware - components that track, record, report your actions
  • Data mining - analysis of personal data for marketing purposes
  • Parasites - unwelcome, hidden, unexpected components
  • Misleading or tricky license agreements
  • Threats to personal privacy
  • Threats to user/data security

Jem Berkes
Windows, UNIX software and system design

ToDo List

Is there a program with "To-Do list" with checkbox, printable and the Load/Save option? When I go to vacation, I usually forget something...I'd like to create "blocks" of to-do list (one for mountain, one for sea, one common for both), better if in a tree-form with checkbox :-))
I've found Evernote, free now in beta stage, but shareware later...
I'm thinking to use Keynote, but is there something easier and more specific ?

Hi Simone,

Have a look at this list:

In particular, there have been some rave reviews of this app.

Program: What To Do
Author: (Alex Tilles) Ware: Free for non-commercial use

What To Do Version 1.04 (320 KB)

Date Difference

Several years ago Kobayashi Software released a small utility, DateDiff, for calculating the difference in days between two dates. It was written as an in-house tool to assist in manual testing of interest calculations, and released as freeware almost as an afterthought.

It was quite surprising, then, when DateDiff proved to be popular, receiving several dozen downloads each month. I suspect a lot of people are using it to count down the days until they can retire :)

Recently I received a few requests for new features, which I've implemented. I'm pleased to announce version 2.0 of DateDiff is now available. It is, of course, still freeware.

DateDiff can calculate the number of days between any two dates. As of this new version, it can also determine the date X days before or after a given date.

Other changes in version 2.0:

Date and plus/minus values restored from last session

Available for download at 

Eric Schreiber Kobayashi Software

Visual Basic for Applications

Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2005 9:34 AM

My VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) tutorial website has links to 6 FREE online tutorials that should allow anyone interesting in learning some basic computer programming, or interested in learning how to use VBA, how to use the VBA Editor in WORD, EXCEL or ACCESS, as well as to learn the basics of computer programming techniques and skills.

I hope you can pass this link on to your users.

Thank you

Gary Radley
11 Snell Court
Warrnambool, 3280, Australia

(03) 55 611315

For free on-line courses, including two on digital photography, have a look at

HP sponsors four of the courses currently available:

  1. Windows XP Maintenance and Troubleshooting
  2. Beyond Point & Shoot: Digital Photography Techniques
  3. Advanced Photoshop 7 Applications
  4. Digital Photography Made Simple
Every photographer should be aware of the importance of histograms and how to control them.
The best graphic explanation of histograms I have seen is at:

Many thanks to Mike D.