From the editor's desk

The measure of this magazine must be in its benefit to members from the quantity and quality of its content. We could easily fill it by being indiscriminate, but I think readers deserve better than that. So Trevor and I scour sources and create material that we think should have appeal to most of you. Quality is subjective, and we hope we meet your expectations here. Contributions are essential to the life of the magazine and the past few months have been stimulating in that area, with some very honest expressions on what can be contentious issues - like Gmail.
A major contribution to the group comes from the software we review. Next month we are to benefit from a small review of computer booklets. The producers,
Ojas and Revati Sangoski, will address the group at the monthly meeting and discount their merchandise at that meeting. At this months' meeting two lucky prize winners walked out with professional versions of Backup4all, granted by the author. He has subsequently offered me more free licences to use when I see fit. FinePrint Software have given the PCUG licenced professional versions of pdfFactory, which I use to produce the PDF form of the magazine, and the FinePrint printer driver that produces booklets and much more. I can see a benefit here for members if this is installed on a printer in the new premises. Members wanting a hard copy of the magazine will be able to download the PDF file and produce an A5 size booklet for reading at their leisure. JoyceCD have given readers a substantial discount on their alternative to Nero Burning Rom. These are all quality benefits the group is enjoying by interaction with the commercial computer world. We can return these benefits by buying software recommended in reviews where it meets your needs. 
I see this as a healthy relationship, and I thank those members who have to put a lot of time and effort into writing responsible reviews, along with contributors of other material and ideas.

Enjoy your computing.

Terry Bibo

P.S.  At the monthly meeting I handed out two licences for Backup4all to the lucky door-prize winners. Unfortunately, since they were issued, the program has been cracked and the author had to re-engineer the licence keys. I have fixed one of these but do not have the name or email of the second winner. If he can contact me I will fix it, or he can email direct to the author - including his current licence key - and the author will fix it.

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