Digital SIG

Paint Shop Pro Tutorials

There's a small collection for the digital SIG this month because Corel purchased Paint Shop Pro from Jasc, and is therefore managed by them. I cannot receive messages from Corel's list with my email client Agent.

Below are some snippets I've collected recently.


A tutorial on layers. They don't work how I imagine they should - and PSP's help is no help. I need an 'overview' type description - right from scratch on what/how it does.

I imagined each 'layer' be a separate entity and you work on the selected one, then merge together; with maybe an option to send to back - top etc.

Have a look at  click "Search" and type in Layers as the search term. You'll find a number of tutorials about layers...mostly for earlier versions, but generally still relevant.


PSP Frequently Asked Questions

Created by members as a public service to soften the blow in your learning curve. Save yourself wasted hours and needless frustrations. Go check out your FAQ.


Making a car approach warp speed. Using ripples effect:

I made the original shown above, but I want it to look appear as it would
approaching mach speed. I don't know how I can vary the ripples........

They need to be bunched up at the front and then spread out as it goes back
like these lines:

Python Script Editor

When I try to edit a script, I click on the edit script icon and it opens notepad instead of the basic script editor. How do I change this?

Point PSP to an editor of your choice, through
File, Preferences, File Locations, Python Source Editor and PSP will start up the editor for you.

There are several (free) editors out there, check sites like this


Do any of the real "experts" actually use the one step photo fix, or is it just for non-pros?

I'm no expert, but yes, many people who are quite well versed with the program still use it in some cases. You can run a script interactively by clicking the Toggle Execution Mode button which is to the right of the scripts dropdown list. Put your cursor over the buttons to get a tool tip telling you the name of each button.

Running interactively means that the script will stop at each stage and open the dialogue box for the step it is doing, and allow you to make adjustments to the settings in the dialogue then continue to the next step, etc.

