
Amy was seen walking through downtown with a desk strapped to her back, a typewriter under one arm, and a wastebasket under the other. She was stopped by a policeman, who asked what she was doing, and arrested when she replied, “Impersonating an office, sir!”



An inventor came up with a knife that would slice two loaves of bread at the same time? He sold it to a large bakery for a handsome profit.


Shortly after that he developed a knife that could slice three loaves of bread at the same time. He sold that one for an even greater profit.


Finally, he came up with the ultimate bread slicer. This huge knife could cut four loaves of bread at the same time! And so was born the world’s first four-loaf cleaver.



“Have you heard about that restaurant on the Moon?”


“No. How about it?”


“Great food, but no atmosphere.”



A man and his six-year-old son drove past a race track. The boy, never having seen one, asked what it was.


“It’s a place where people go to race dogs,” his father replied.


After a long, contemplative pause, the boy said, “I bet the dogs win.”



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of Tooning is here: