Mostly serious stuff this month I'm afraid - but keep reading please - there is some good news at the end.
1. As I write this we are starting the second week of auditing the FY05
accounts. Karen in particular has put in a huge effort to get the accounts up to
date, and to badger those who can provide expertise on such exciting items as
'outstanding liability to members', and 'depreciation schedules for our assets'.
Ann Byrne has also been a great help by regularly allowing Karen to concentrate
on matters financial, while Ann has attended to member renewals and enquiries.
Hopefully we will end up with an encouraging 'bottom line', we should - with our
much reduced costs since the move in March. And even if we were capable of
'creative accounting' (we are not :-), you may rest assured that the Auditors
seem highly competent. But they are also rather expensive, not totally
surprising as I now know something of the magnitude of their task. However I am
looking into the legalities of having a competitive bidding process for the next
auditors, rather than each AGM passively agreeing to continue with the Status
2. I feel a bit like Peter Cundall on the ABC's Gardening Australia show.
"Now you know what I am going to say next".....
The regular plea for volunteers.
I can't say it enough, but the group really does rely almost totally on it's
volunteers. It's a simple equation - if we can't get the volunteers, we
can't maintain the group, and we will fold despite a healthier financial
We had to close early a couple of weekends ago due to lack of weekend staffers,
and I was all set to issue an edict that anyone needing centre services on a
weekend should call first to make sure the centre was open. Happily that
situation may not be quite as likely to happen due to a recent small influx of trainee
staffers. Thanks! But at the moment we are considering reducing the weekend
opening hours to make it 10am to 2pm (instead of 4pm) which would reduce the
BUT, we are now appealing that members seriously consider nominating for
next year's committee, or agreeing if someone else nominates them. If you have
ever thought of ways that the group could be improved, or would like to feel the
warm glow of returning something to the group, we would like your nomination!
So please, please, pretty please - consider........
The AGM is rapidly approaching - it's on Tues 4th October, at 7:30 PM in the
usual venue at theatre 3 at the Manning Clarke Centre at the ANU. You will find
the notice of meeting and our associated rules plus a committee nomination form
on the web site, and in this magazine issue.
I mentioned in a previous issue that I would not be nominating for President or
other committee position next year. But I certainly intend to assist by
occupying the committee position of 'immediate past President', and that will
hopefully provide some continuity for next year's committee. I also hope that
will give me
some more time to help more members with PC problems, to possibly provide some
short training courses, and to help out in the office if they are desperate!
3. Now for the good news. The Urban Services Department have agreed in full
to our proposals for building modifications to the centre. When complete, the
centre should be much more suitable for our needs - particularly SIG meetings
and training. John Hodge produced the great drawings and 'statement of work'
document which were largely responsible for the favourable Urban Services
response. And we owe him a big vote of thanks for that.
And now John has generously agreed to act as project manager as well - so with
luck, the work will get underway soon. John's drawings will be posted to the web
site soon if you are curious.
The initial physical work requires the demolition of two walls and the
deconstruction and removal of the two office partitions. This work will be
supervised by our very able builder member, Allan Baden. We hope to do these
major jobs (and some others) during several working
bees. The first might well be a 'bring your own wheelbarrow' event!
So all able bodied members please stand by for the call....
As usual - there is plenty more to say - but there is probably a limit to your tolerance. Very best wishes - John Saxon.
P.S. Don't forget the next monthly meeting on 6th September. Terry Bibo has been thawing out 'up North', and checking out a lot of stuff. He will be presenting a very useful range of FREE programs - so it should be a very good get together.