The good news just before Christmas is that the new office renovations at the PCUG Centre in Holder are now underway.  On Saturday 17 December, a team organized by John Saxon and Peter Reeves removed the internal partitions in the south room.  This will now be fitted out as the training room, with the "office" now in a corner of the north room opposite the door.  Drop in and see progress when the Centre re-opens on 9 January.

The committee has appointed Joseph Tandl as training coordinator and we hope to establish a strong training program in 2006.  Watch Sixteen Bits for details as courses are offered and feel free to request courses or offer your services as a trainer to

As my tip for 2006, remember that all members are entitled to a email address, whether or not they use TIP as their ISP. If you do not use TIP, your email can be automatically forwarded to your current ISP mailbox or read:-  by a free dial-up to TIP; using webmail from another Internet connection such as a library or Internet cafe; or using a normal email client to read from the PCUG mail server.

Advantages of using a address for the member is that it can stay constant for as long as they remain members of PCUG, no matter how often they change ISP; and for the PCUG it simplifies our contact with members, particularly as they change external email addresses.  More information on this will be published on the web site in the new year.

Finally, compliments of the season to all members.  Happy computing in 2006 without the scourge of worms, viruses, spam, and blue screens of death.

Allan Mikkelsen

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