Digital Discussion 

A Digital Imaging Tutorial





Table of Contents

Using This Tutorial

Printing This Tutorial

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1.  Preface
1.  Basic Terminology
2.  Selection

3.  Conversion
4.  Quality Control
5.  Metadata
6.  Technical Infrastructure
     A. Digitization Chain
     B. Image Creation
     C. File Management
     D. Delivery
7.  Presentation
8.  Digital Preservation
9.  Management

10. Continuing Education


© 2000-2003 Cornell University Library/ Research Department

No matter how skilled we become in practising our favourite pursuits, we can always acknowledge that we have lost some of the basic learning that was so essential in getting us to our present state.

Digital imaging in scanners, cameras, and photo editors is a complex subject, and a little refresher course may well suit each and every one of us occasionally. Cornell University offers this on-line tutorial that could be the starting point for rediscovering lost information that will make our present activities more rewarding. It is also an excellent starting point for anyone new to the subject. There will be content that is superfluous to requirements and some you just won't understand. But overall, the experience will be rewarding.

The tutorial is also available as a PDF file of 138 pages and only 3.8 MB. Both PDF and HTML files require an Internet connection to be interactive, but even without interaction the tutorial is good.  Start by going to the Cornell University Library. You will not be disappointed.     

Paint Shop Pro Tutorials

Pinoy VII offers a range of tutorials for PSP users

Pour paint on your text and let it drip

An apple a day keeps the "Lasso" away! Crop an image using this trick.

The apple of your eye

Turn that crowning glory of yours up a notch

I am proud to announce that Ron Lacey has agreed to republish his vector tutorials.
Meet Spike and his crew at

Ron Lacey is the webmaster of and author of PSP Zero to Hero