From the editor's desk

There are a few noteworthy items for this month's paragraphs. The most noticeable is the change to the PCUG Centre in Holder. Volunteers under the  capable command of John Saxon most of the time have transformed the layout to be far more functional as a training room, office, and meeting place. Carpets have been replaced and new projector screens installed. Worth a visit if you can find the time. Our Coffee and Chat group will christen the training room on Tuesday 21st February for its Digital Sig meeting.

Andrew Miles from Microsoft gave us an excellent presentation about PC security, with particular relevance to XP, for our February monthly meeting. Questions flew thick and fast and were capably and fully answered. Andrew has made his entire PowerPoint presentation available with text and images as a 904 KB PDF file, and it is available on our site at It has something for everyone, from novice to expert user, and if you missed the meeting you will benefit from reading this.

The new members night finally got off the ground on the first Monday of February and will be repeated on the first Monday of May - three months time and quarterly thereafter. It is open also to established members who wish to refresh themselves on the basics of computing and what the PCUG has to offer.

Formal training courses will get under way with two workshops.
 Please book your attendance by phoning the Office Manager on 02 6287 2922, or e-mailing to
Courses are initially for members only and will cost $5 for a 2 hour workshop, $15 for a half-day course, and $25 for a full day course. Payment can be made on attendance at the centre, but is considered as due once a booking is made and not cancelled.
Expect to see more courses advertised soon, BUT bear in mind that the survey asking what courses you wanted and when was not very enthusiastically responded to. The most popular courses from the limited response were for "Transferring LPs to CD", "Transferring home movies from tape to DVD", "Building and maintaining a system", "Making web pages" and "Installing a router to share a broadband connection".
We would like you all to complete the survey at
to enable meaningful courses to be planned. Don't like filling in surveys? Use it as a practice for the census survey coming shortly.

A note of appreciation to close. Barry Wilson was voted Volunteer of the Month at the February meeting for his unstinting contribution of time and talents for over a decade. Thanks Barry, and thanks too to all those unnamed volunteers who contribute so much to the PCUG.

Terry Bibo

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