Report from the President

The good news this month is that by the time you read this, our new equipment for the training room should have been delivered and is being made operational.  We have twelve new computers each having 1 gigabyte of memory, 160 gigabytes of disk space, and powered by AMD 64 3000 chips.  They will be configured as multiboot systems running Windows XP Professional and at least one version of Linux.  This should enable our Training Manager, David Gill, to schedule some interesting training courses.

The bad news is that the PCUG web site was hacked and the home page replaced by outside intruders.  The majority of the site was back within an hour or so, but we had to disable all PHP scripts on the server until we could upgrade our security on these.  This has been done, but as a result some existing scripts may not run on the new configuration.  If you encounter this with any PCUG scripts, please let the admins know (admin at If it occurs with any of your scripts, please either upgrade to a current version, or rewrite using current, secure, PHP coding standards. Thanks to Lawrie Brown and other admins who assisted in getting the system working again.

Finally, the TIP connection to the Internet was upgraded at the end of April.  Hopefully, all TIP users are experiencing slightly better Internet performance as a result.

Allan Mikkelsen