Main Monthly Meeting

PC Users Group (ACT)
 July 2006 Monthly Meeting
The next Main Monthly Meeting will be held on Tuesday 4th July 2006 commencing at 7:30 pm in the Manning Clark Centre, (facility 26A), Lecture Theatre 3, Australian National University, Acton.

Visit the PCUG website for a map of the Manning Clark Centre.

The topic for the next meeting is still under construction.
We are trying to get together a panel of Q&A, SIGs Info, Training Update, what we do in 16Bits etc.

This will be rather like a generic information/discussion/special interest group.
Gordon Urquhart will conduct proceedings.

Have a look for information on the PCUG home page, and web MMM page.
Our excellent Office Manager will update those pages soon.

The monthly meetings are free. Members, friends and the public are invited to attend. Don’t rush home after the meeting! Stay for coffee, tea, biscuits and good company. It’s all free! Renew acquaintances, meet new people, and ask those questions you didn’t get a chance to ask during the meeting!

Membership inquiries and renewals are welcomed too!

Email inquiries to or phone 02-6287-2922.