PCUG Help Directory

The people in this directory are volunteers, so please observe the times given.
The Help Directory is designed to help individual users and should not be used as a substitute for corporate support calls to vendors. This service is provided for members only.

Email addresses have been altered to foil spam farmers; just replace the @ symbol.
Please quote your membership number to the helper. Additions or amendments to this directory should be sent to editor@pcug.org.au

Region Subject Name Email Phone Days Times
Chifley WinXP, PC hardware, ConnectionsHome Installation Team (HIT) John Saxon jsaxon at pcug.org.au 61611524 All days 9am to 7pm
Cook General help with PCs and PC Software Philip Bell pmbell at pcug.org.au 62515837 All days except Tuesday 9am to 5pm
Dickson WinXP, Mozilla, Office XP John Agnew jfa at pcug.org.au 6249 7911 or 0411147321 All days 9am to 9pm
Fisher MS Word, Excel, Lotus WordPro, Agent Derek Jordan Derek.Jordan at tpg.com.au 6288 7810 All days Any decent time
Flynn Flight Simulator Roger Lowery bandrlowery at optusnet.com.au 6258 1583 All days Any decent time
Hall Village Noteworthy Composer Andrew Purdam apurdam at pcug.org.au 6230 2231 All days Any decent time
Hawker Home Installation Team (HIT). Internet connections, software and hardware Gordon Urquhart gordonu at pcug.org.au 6254 5480 All days Any decent time
Holt FrontPage, Publisher, Internet Explorer Gary Potts gjpotts at pcug.org.au 6254 2818 or 0402342818 Mon, Wed, Sat 9:00am to 12:00 noon
Macquarie Linux Rod Peters rpeters at pcug.org.au 6251 2580 All days 9am to 7pm
O'Connor Digital Photography, Paint Shop Pro, Paint Shop Album Jeff Colwell jeffmeg at webone.com.au 6247 7756 All days 9am to 8pm
Page Free software - installation and advice Terry Bibo tbibo at pcug.org.au 6255 2168 All days 9am to 7pm

PCUG Contacts

pcug at pcug.org.au
president at pcug.org.au
secretary at pcug.org.au
treasurer at pcug.org.au
executive at pcug.org.au
committee at pcug.org.au
Office Manager
office.manager at pcug.org.au
Magazine Editor
editor at pcug.org.au
Web Site Feedback
serfweb at pcug.org.au
membership at pcug.org.au
Main Monthly Meeting
mmm at pcug.org.au
Special Interest Groups
sigs at pcug.org.au
Volunteers Coordinator
volunteer at pcug.org.au
Training Manager
training at pcug.org.au

Some handy links

Committee Members
Monthly Calendar
Special Interest Groups
Members' Services and Charges
Bookings for Training Courses http://www.pcug.org.au/training