PSP X Text On Path

My way of putting Text on a Path (Ellipse) version X. From: Joëlle
  1. For easy viewing of what you're doing, uncheck the background colour in Materials. This is not necessary, but makes life easier. Draw an ellipse. (Centre it by clicking on the Object Selection Tool and play with the Position on Canvas boxes)
  2. Check 'Warp Text' I think it looks nicer.
  3. Set 'Offset' to 0 ( text will be on the line).
  4. Set your Alignment to 'Align Centre'.
  5. Set your Text colour to Background for now.
  6. Enter your Text (if you can't see it, the colours have changed back again. I find this a pain, but you'll get used to it!) + Apply.
  7. In the Layers Palette> right-click on the New Ellipse> select Copy. Right-click again> select Paste New Vector Selection. The selection is now 'stuck' to you, so position it where the previous ellipse is and click to anchor it in place. Now go back to the Layers Palette and click on the Eye of the previous (1st) ellipse, to make it invisible.
  8. Activate the Pen Tool and right-click inside the ellipse> select Convert to Path. Right-click inside the ellipse again and select Edit>Reverse Path.
  9. Activate the Text tool (check the colours again!). Set Offset to -10 or thereabouts. Enter your Text, which will now be facing the right way up.
  10. Click on the eye of New Ellipse to make it invisible and merge.

From: "Joëlle" 21 July 2005