Scripting for Paint Shop Pro

This has probably been asked before. Is there a good book on scripting with
psp x, or a good web site to get info about the do and don't with scripting.

Simple stuff like...
what are my button options, only yes and no? can script be stopped if a cancel
button was pressed? what types of math calculation can be done? How can I
pass information to filter options.

Why is it I only  find a few scripts out there on net. Is it because they're too hard to create.... I guess I'm puzzled at this.

Does any of you have a set of scripts for examples to learn by, simple stuff, but useful.

Where would I get started....

Tim Vesper - 30 October 2006

Yes, it has been asked and answered many times here. Begin with two files downloaded from :
PSPX Scripting for Script Authors and PSPX Command API. Corel has not documented PSP 11 scripting, but the few differences are open to questions here in the scripting group.

Scripts are written in the Python language, for which there are many tutorial and reference sites on the web and also many books. The PSP
document will refer you to , the home base for all of that.

Scripts seem to fall into two groups: those that we record and use to automate repetitive tasks "at home" and more general ones that
extend the abilities of PSP for use by many people. Many, but by no means all, of the latter can be found at the Scripts Downloads section of Browse here and use Google to find more.
Fred Hiltz,  fhiltz at yahoo dot com

Programming and making graphics or editing photos don't always go together, I think that's it. While adding the scripting to PSP was a great decision, I think most won't go beyond recording. I can go a little beyond that and just enough for my needs, but that is all.

> Do any of you have a set of scripts for examples to learn by,
> simple stuff but useful.

> Where would I get started....

Apart from the API and Scripting for authors Fred mentions, I learned a lot from Gary Barton's and Joe Fromm's scripts. You'll find them at Gary's site Pixelnook:
