Congratulations Ann Byrne

On behalf of the PCUG Committee, Allan Mikkelsen proudly presented Ann Byrne with Life Membership to the PCUG on Tuesday 6th February at the Southside Coffee and Chat SIG, for outstanding contributions to the group over many years.


Ann has been a keen committee member, having filled just about every
position possible.

Over the years, Ann has gained a reputation for being the festivities organiser, particularly our Christmas parties, or making sure of a constant supply of nibbles and drinks at Community Events where PCUG has had a stall.

Ann has spent many hours assisting with Volunteer Coordination, Staffer Training, and relief when there was no-one else available to staff the office of a weekend.

Ann is taking some well deserved time out. We hope she rests up well, as we look forward to her next active involvement in the group, and the inspiration she brings with it.

Ann’s acceptance speech sums up things nicely …….

“I was very honoured when I was asked if I would accept this award,
immediately many other names sprang to mind that deserved it just as
much if not more than me.

However, never being one to take a back seat, I accepted with alacrity
and apart from that it was a great excuse to take a couple of hours off
work and have a social lunch.

In all seriousness, I have received a lot more from the group and its
members than I have contributed. Joining the group in 1991, I had a
Commodore 128 and was about to purchase a “proper” computer. The amount
of help I received from members was phenomenal and I soon realised that
the only way I could begin to repay this was to by becoming a volunteer.
This proved to be the most rewarding part of belonging to the group and
I can only urge anyone with some spare time to give it a go!

My time in various positions on the committee was very rewarding, not
least being  the big move from Belconnen to Weston which gave us a
stable financial position, and my time as volunteer co-ordinator was a
great opportunity to meet more of our members who unstintingly give of
their time to the group. So please don’t think you need to have
“Computer Knowledge” to be a volunteer, there are lots of ways we can
all help.

I do thank the current Committee for putting my name forward to receive
this award.

Now to the important thing – I believe the bar is open…. “

Congratulations Ann with full appreciations for your contributions to the group. We look forward to more.

Karen Adams
PCUG Office Manager