PSP 9 Frame Script

Below is a copy of a message in the Paint Shop Pro Scrapbooking forum. Below the horizontal line is text that works in Paint Shop Pro version 9 for a script that places a frame around a photograph.

Copy all the text below the line into your clipboard, by selecting it, and then pressing the combination CTL-C. Open up Notepad, and paste by pressing the key combination CTL-V.
Make sure that you have not highlighted anything ABOVE the horizontal line, nor the .


If you see anything below the }) characters, delete them by selecting, then the delete key.

Then: from Notepad > SaveAs > My Documents\My PSP Files\SimpleRibbonFrame9.PspScript

Remember that upper and lowercase are important for file names and extensions.

Since this is a python script, all spaces, tabs, and punctuation are EXTREMELY important. Just be absolutely sure that you've not selected graphics or horizontal rules, nor message components. Don't insert spaces, tabs or carriage returns. Never use your word processor.

I dare you!

TrevorF -- 5 February 2007

But if you really would like to use the script without doing the above, a zip file is here:

From: Spica
User-Agent: Thunderbird 1.5 (Windows/20051201)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Newsgroups: corel.PaintShopPro_Scrapbooking
Subject: Re: Simple Ribbon Frame script (attachments 83kb and 2 whole kb!)

I've only gotten it to work in 9 - still trying to work out the bugs in 8. But for those using 9, here it is

Sally Beacham wrote:
> On Mon, 16 Jan 2006 09:38:21 -0500, Spica <>
> wrote:
>> Sally, I had to make some adjustments to your script for it to work in
>> PSP9 - since I don't use vX.
>> Would like your permission to post the new version for those still using 9.
> Certainly - please do!
> Sally

from JascApp import *

def ScriptProperties():
    return {
        'Author': u'Sally Beacham',
        'Copyright': u'dizteq 2005',
        'Description': u'Modified to work in PSP9 via permission from Sally. Elizabeth Hancock',
        'Host': u'Paint Shop Pro 9',
        'Host Version': u''

def Do(Environment):
    # EnableOptimizedScriptUndo
    App.Do( Environment, 'EnableOptimizedScriptUndo', {
            'GeneralSettings': {
                'ExecutionMode': App.Constants.ExecutionMode.Default,
                'AutoActionMode': App.Constants.AutoActionMode.Match,
                'Version': ((10,0,2),1)

    # ResizeCanvas
    App.Do( Environment, 'ResizeCanvas', {
            'AspectRatio': 6.25,
            'FillColor': (255,255,255),
            'HoriPlace': App.Constants.HorizontalType.Center,
            'MaintainAspect': False,
            'NewDimUnits': App.Constants.UnitsOfMeasure.Inches,
            'NewHeight': 3,
            'NewWidth': 3,
            'PlaceBottom': 1.26,
            'PlaceLeft': 0,
            'PlaceRight': 0,
            'PlaceTop': 1.26,
            'VertPlace': App.Constants.VerticalType.Center,
            'GeneralSettings': {
                'ExecutionMode': App.Constants.ExecutionMode.Default,
                'AutoActionMode': App.Constants.AutoActionMode.Match,
                'Version': ((10,0,2),1)

    # Kaleidoscope
    App.Do( Environment, 'Kaleidoscope', {
            'Angle': 90,
            'HorizontalOffset': -100,
            'Scale': -10,
            'VerticalOffset': -100,
            'NumOrbits': 0,
            'RadialSuction': 1,
            'NumPetals': 4,
            'EdgeMode': App.Constants.EdgeMode.Wrap,
            'FillColor': (61,188,148),
            'GeneralSettings': {
                'ExecutionMode': App.Constants.ExecutionMode.Default,
                'AutoActionMode': App.Constants.AutoActionMode.Match,
                'Version': ((10,0,2),1)