Jasc Zap Utility

The question below was raised by Elaina/aka Nightshadow:
> The Jasc Zap utility was mentioned in a previous message relating to someone
> uninstalling PSP8. I've been using PSP since version 6 and this is the first
> time I've heard of the Jasc Zap utility.

Mostly it was something that tech support people gave you to use if you had persistent problems, which is probably why
you haven't heard of it.

> I would appreciate it if someone  would be kind enough to explain what it is and what it does?

Its a program. It used to be called ZapJasc but now it's called ZapPS. Running it removes any Windows Registry settings to do with
Jasc/Corel PSP and related products which might be left behind after an uninstall. You can find it the most current version here: ftp://ftp.corel.com/pub/PaintShopPro/X/zapps.exe

The Corel version should work perfectly well for this. The current version seems to be:
(There isn't one in the XI ftp folder even though PSPP XI is the current version.)