Freeware for burning MP3

Response message from the alt.comp.freeware newsgroup 12 Feb 2007

My boys have been using WildVoice for months and love it. They make their own MP3s. It is a very easy program to use and works flawlessly. You can voice over music, add various sounds, edit, merge, etc. etc. It really works well. The quality of the finished product is very good. With the tool, there are many imaginative things you can do to existing music, as well as create. I suppose if it goes payware, it will be easier to quit than say, smoking.

Bear Bottoms
Freeware website:

Thank you Mr. Bear, and thank you for listing us on

Let me try and clarify. WildVoice Studio with the feature set it has today will remain free. We may in the future offer a "Professional" version with more features and we may charge for those extra features. However, the features set we give out free today we will continue to provide for free. Yes, the license agreement has some verbiage that when the beta period ends we may switch to a pay model. We wrote that a year ago when we weren't sure how we would want to distribute the application and we wanted to be protected, but we have no intention of charging for the feature set we give away today. Why do we give it away? Well, we believe that the feature set in the free version helps drive content, ears, and eyeballs to our site If you've used Audacity and you've used WildVoice studio, it is obvious that they are targeted to very different users.

Both can be used to create a Podcast or an MP3 file. Audacity has tremendous capabilities when it comes to sound editing and multitrack layering. WildVoice Studio has is a great tool to easly produce a Podcast by recording live. Recording with WildVoice Studio should feel more like a radio DJ (trying to relive my failed college radio expereinces...), Audacity feels like a Sound designer or audio engineer who knows how to work "the board".

And yes, WildVoice Studio produces plain MP3 files that you can use anywhere. However, if you want to podcast, WildVoice Studio has integrated publishing that will publish your MP3 as a Podcast directly to

If you ever have any questions about our site or software, just drop us a note. The easiest place is support (-at-) or directly to me at michaelplevy (-at-)