PDF, HTML and RTF Freeware

While scanning the freeware newsgroup, Trevor encountered the following messages, and followups. I post them below

 > Haven't come across a freeware that'll import and edit acrobat files.

Here are two or three:

In Windows, download CoolPDF from here:

In Linux or Windows, get xpdf with your package manager or from here:

I've used the first one in Windows but the second, xpdf, only in Linux.
The Linux tool within xpdf is actually called "pdftotext."  Check "man
xpdf" and "man pdftotext" for switches, etc.  Although I've not used the
Windows version of xpdf, a friend who has done lots of file conversions
recommends xpdf for Windows over adobe.  In conversions of pdf to txt
there was some minor reformat required in results my tests of both
CoolPDF and pdftotext.

On 07 Feb 2007 I could have sworn I heard Craig sing a little song and the words went something like this:

> Andreas Perfora’tus wrote:
>> On 06 Feb 2007 I could have sworn I heard Craig sing a little song
>> and the words went something like this:
>>> kurdi wrote:
>>>> I have found that this web service does this really well (tried pdf to doc, rtf should do just as well):  www.zamzar.com
>>> Keep in mind that the above is a /service/ and not a software
>>> package. As an earlier poster mentioned, OpenOffice reformats from
>>> html to rtf quite well.
>>> fwiw, -Craig
>> So a couple questions: 1) Is there a way to instruct Open Office as
>> to the dimensions where the right border should be placed, similar to
>> resizing notepad's window with wordwrap enabled?
> I'm not sure I understand...are you talking about right-side margin? 
> If so, yes.  (Format->page->page)
>> 2) Or can Open Office import pdf files and export them as RTF?
> Ah, now /that/ would be a nice trick! Nope. Haven't come across a
> freeware that'll import and edit acrobat files.

Well, I did find a proggy called Tomahawk PDF+ that can import edit and
create pdf files. ** WARNING** Newer versions are NOT freeware, but afaik
most versions up to and including v2.8.0 are freeware.

<copied from 2.8.0 readme>
Program Name:   Tomahawk PDF+ (TPdfPlus.exe)
Author:         Jack Lewis - NativeWinds
Creation:       2004-11-16
Version:        2.8.0 (2007-01-15) Freeware version
Description:    A powerful pdf creation/manipulation program.


Tomahawk Gold is a complete word processing suite with the ability to
load and save as PDF! Tomahawk can be used to edit rtf, txt, tmd (our own
format) and other file formats.


A google will get you earlier versions.
Unfortunately, it seems to have problems importing the images in html
files, and doesn't export to RTF. Bummer.   :(

>> Meantime, I'll check out zamzar's service. Thanks.
> Let us know how that turns out.
> -Craig

Zamzar's service did pretty much what the other programs do, namely dump
the images, and distort the tables. It did however retain the Bold
Headings and Text styles. So, not much good to me, but your mileage may
vary.  :(

Thanks again for all the help.



On 9 Feb 2007 Susan wrote:

The two versions that have been recommended in ACF are v 2.7.2 and  v

Program: Tomahawk PDF+
Company: Native Winds
Author: Jack D. Lewis
Ware: (Donationware) (Liteware) (free for personal use) LFW (v 2.7.2)

Download Tomahawk PDF+ 2.7.2 (2606 kB)
Download Tomahawk PDF+ (1831 kB)
Download Tomahawk PDF+ addons (Technical Dictionary, Medical
Dictionary, Legal Dictionary, ...) (1274 kB)

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