Windows XP Tips and Repairs

Message from Frank Bohan in the alt.comp.freeware newsgroup

I came across the Desktop Solutions site that has some useful information at:

I am intrigued by the following which seems to be too good to be true. Has
anyone tried this method of re-installing XP, and with what results? I'm not
sure what "Go to the location of your source files" means as I have XP (SP2).
Does is mean the original disk or the SP2 disk? Can anyone clarify?


ReInstalling WindowsXP

If you need to reinstall WindowsXP and want to keep all your current installed applications and settings:
Start WindowsXP
Go to the location of your source files
Run WINNT32 /unattended
I've often need to do this to repair something that had gotten corrupted and didn't want to do a clean install.



Frank Bohan