
The Pricelessware list is a compilation of software collected through a yearly vote by the participants of the "alt.comp.freeware" newsgroup.  It is a list of what people have voted as "the best of the best in Freeware".
The software listed here is commonly referred to as "Pricelessware", a term given with great respect and thanks to the authors of these programs for giving us such wonderful quality freeware programs.
So without further delay, we present you with 2004's Pricelessware of the year!
(12) Business-Home
Desktop (8)
(38) File Utilities
Graphics (19)
(12) Organizers
Multimedia (15)
(20) Security
Web Design (13)
(61) Internet
Programming (10)
(16) Text
System Utilities (38)
Alphabetical index (262)