Script for PSP

Highlight the centre of an image, and apply a border effects script. Original photo is one that I took with a Canon digital camera before a cruise to Noumea in 2005. Because the camera had 4 rechargeable cells and plenty of RAM, I was able to take more than 135 photos during the two weeks.

Below is an original that I'd modified with a frame and shadow border, using PSP X:

But wait -- there's more! Below is one further modified with a script written by Howard Dickson from Scotland, but now of  Spain, adding border effects:

Obviously, Howard knows a lot more about layers than me. The script will work for PSP versions 9 and later. It can be purchased via the Internet. If you want it, search via a search engine for Howard Dickson > PSP scripts. Here's some data from the Python Script:

Author: Howard Dickson,
Description: BorderFX
Host: Paint Shop Pro 9
Host Version: 9.01

There are a lot more on his pages.