To: PCUG Members
Subject: [PCUG-members] Announcement of a new TIP service: IMAP
From: Peter Watney president[at]pcug[dot]org[dot]au
Date: Sun, 17 Jun 2007
Internet Project wishes to announce a new service for its members.
Members can now use the IMAP protocol to read their mail as an
alternative to the POP-3 protocol or our webmail system.
has a number of advantages over POP, such as being able to store your
mail on the server (and in different folders), reading your mail
multiple locations while keeping your mail synchronised and, most
importantly, being able to access your mail without realising, "That
message was downloaded to my home PC!".
You can find out more about IMAP at the following help page, including
instructions on configuring your mail client: