Training Room News

Workshops on Image Regeneration

Jeff Colwell is trialling some workshops on Image Regeneration at our Holder Centre.

The size of the workshops are experimental, both to gauge interest and to learn optimal benefit to participants (if there are to be future sessions). Interest in the session interest has been overwhelming and so 2 sessions were arranged from one advertised session.

The workshop will be a small group of 5 people.  They will work together to produce enhanced digital images using the PCUG Canon Scanner and Paint Shop Pro and a selection of problem photographs. It is expected that participants will then be able to apply and adapt the procedures developed during the workshop to regenerate their problem photographs using PCUG facilities and their home PC.

Microsoft Word

Arthur Palmer recently conducted two workshops on Microsoft Word through advertised sessions. Both were well-attended.

From session feedback, Arthur is structuring further more flexible sessions for small groups, to maximise individual assistance and flexibility of the content presented for the needs of the group. We also look forward to hearing more from Arthur.

Notification of new training sessions are posted to the home page. Training room and partipant bookings are via the PCUG office.
Interest from members wishing to run workshops is encouraging in support of our motto 'Users Helping Users'.

Beginners SIGSs

Mike Dinn is creating more opportunities for PCUG members to attend the very popular Beginners SIGS. Mike will be trialling morning sessions on the fourth Thursday of each month. Details of the variety of Special Interest Groups is available via our PCUG Events  Calendar and SIGs page.

Karen Adams
PCUG Office