Australia needs:


Worcestershire appears to have drowned, I hope you and yours are ok! Tell us you aren't in need of a boat to get to the front gate... signed: Worried of Sussex

I have to admit I was wondering. Hoped to see a post here to allay my fears but as of yet nothing. The Vale of Evesham does appear to have taken a pounding. 

I agree that it's a bit wet around northern Gloucestershire.

This was Tewkesbury hams (river meadows) this morning (near where the River Severn and River Avon meet), and the water level is still rising.

Adjusted histogram, saturation enhancement, DCNR, resized for posting, mild USM.

Tewkesbury Hams

27 July 2007.

Best wishes.

Drowned of Defford

"Drowned of Defford" is alive and well :-)))

Our village of Defford has been marooned since yesterday morning, as the rivers Severn and Avon rose higher and higher.

It rained non-stop all day yesterday - someone said there was 5 inches of rain. It was relentless.

Then to cap it all, we lost our electricity power and it wasn't re-connected for 30 hours (lunchtime today).

So I hope that explains my silence on the newsgroup :-)
I appreciate the messages of condolence - all around us has featured on the national news:
Stratford, Evesham, Pershore, Eckington, Tewksbury down the river Avon and Worcester, Upton and Gloucester down the river Severn.

This afternoon was our first opportunity to get out (on foot) and I took this series of photos. I am posting them as a montage which I'm also sending to friends and relations. Of course I can post individual ones if anyone is interested...

For all these images, I used the same routine:
Clarify_RGB, Levels, HPS and this seems to work well (from JPEG).

The 6 photos numbered left to right in two rows, show:
1.    Someone's treasured Volvo on the road from Defford to Pershore
2.    A jet-skier ignoring the traffic signs
3.    The same 'farmer' (he arrived on his tractor) coming up the lane towards us
4.    Cars parked by the river Avon whilst their owners were away on a cruise
5.    Another car in a lay-by, with an un-manned boat that had broken its moorings drifting by
6.    Our neighbours passing us on our road

Enjoy and marvel!


Drowned of Defford