
Showing off a photograph massaged with PSP version X. 

A bidens is a plant. The insect was called a thingy. I'm sure you would know. 300mm is a bit less than a foot in the old parlance.

From: "Jim" <> 

4 August 2007. Newsgroup: corel.PaintShopPro_Photography

Normally I do not have much time for posting photos because I spend all day doing nothing at all which means that I have very little time to do anything else. However I was feeling lazy today so I decided not to do nothing at all. However I got bored with not doing nothing at all and started to play with my photos.

I found this one of a bidens with a thingy standing on it. I am quite proud of this photo because I shot it handheld at 300mm and normally those shots are a complete failure, because I tremble. The other 5 that I made at the same time were, however, absolutely useless.

I love bidens. They are very well behaved and flower profusely even if you do not deadhead them. Unfortunately thingies love them also.

Did not do much with the photo, sharpened, DCNR and cropped. I did fiddle about with curves and histograms, but decided that I had no idea what I was doing, so I stopped.

Bidens bee