Software Review

Linux distribution Libranet – 2.8.1

By Owen Cook


This is an unsolicited software review of the Linux distribution Libranet-2.8.1


Libranet-2.8.1 was by far the easiest installation of a Linux distro that I have ever done. It just went on in a 5 GByte partition with 2.6 Gbytes to spare without any hassle.


As a system, it is ideal for the person who wants to just have something that does the general home things, internet, office, and some graphics and games. In this regard I couldn't fault it, and if someone asked for a Linux system just for those things, then Libranet is what I would install for them.


For my use however, it was certainly lacking in a number of areas.

Only Gimp-1.2 was installed and to upgrade to Gimp-2.0 required in excess of 260 packages, not all of which were available. In fact quite a number of programs that I tried to upgrade failed because dependant packages were not available.


People with a Debian system will understand that this is a way of life. It really is not for those that live on the bleeding edge of programs where the latest of the latest libraries are required. It is for this reason that the system is perfectly safe and recommended for the typical user.

