From the President

The new committee for 2006 is now well and truly in place and I find myself filling the previously vacant position of president.  We have a diverse committee made up of a mixture of "old hands" but with quite a bit of new blood.  I hope we can continue the good work done by John Saxon and his committee last year.

The next major event for the group is the Christmas Party on 3rd December (see elsewhere for details).  Come along and meet fellow members and see the Centre at Holder now that we have settled in.  The completion of modifications to our new home will be a major project for 2006.  Another major initiative will be our participation in the Microsoft Unlimited Potential scheme where we are one of 194 UP Centres Australia wide.

Good news is that we have appointed Joseph Tandl as Training Manager and should be able to again offer training courses early in 2006.  If you are interested in participating, either as a trainer or student, get in touch and we can take your needs into account when developing our program.

We will soon be implementing a poll and feedback system on the web site so keep an eye on the home page at 

The committee appreciates getting feedback on what members want from the group.

Finally, compliments of the season to all, and happy computing in 2006.

Allan Mikkelsen

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