Qwik-Fix Pro

I came across this entry in the latest Microsoft System Builder
newsletter. I can't really figure out why it doesn't appear in ALL their
mailings, since it offers a ray of hope for people who are at risk of
being hit by worms (most of us).

Proactive Malware Prevention With Qwik-Fix

In early tests, PivX's Qwik-Fix Pro was successful in preventing
malicious scripted Web pages from forcing Internet Explorer to load worms or
spyware. The tool provides stopgap protection so that your system doesn't
get infected while you're trying to download patches. Qwik-Fix Pro is
free for noncommercial use, and businesses should be able to buy the corporate
version by the time you read this. Go to PivX's Web site for details:

I've downloaded and installed the software without a problem. The
software is FREE until the end of October, so DON'T waste any time getting a copy.
Some companies get twitchy around the subject of licenses for their free
products. Either that or they think that you only NEED one license if
you're not an enterprise user. This company is smarter than that.
When you enter your personal info to get to the download page (a reasonable
request, I think), you also get to tell them how many systems you're
trying to protect. Don't get nervous! Even if you DO have 5 systems at
home, it's still free.

Now, I have a hardware firewall, ZoneAlarm Pro 5.1.x, and NAV 2004 Pro in
place. I still wanted this software. I installed it without a single
'gleep!' from any of this other protection. That means it's really

Please give this a try! Make us all a little safer. Noel Matthews
