Main Meeting: Tuesday 1 March 2005, 7.30pm

The next PC Users Group monthly meeting will be held at 7:30pm on Tuesday, 1st March 2005, at the Manning Clark Centre, Lecture Theatre 3, Australian National University, Acton. Visit the PCUG website for a map of the Manning Clark Centre. The monthly meetings are free. Members, friends and the public are welcome to attend. Stay for refreshments and good company after the meeting! Inquiries to 02-6253-4911 or email .

Did you know that over 80% of web servers in the world operate under Open Source Software? Why you say? It's simply a matter of economics! The cost of Open Source Software is a fraction of that available from the world's leading software producers. Closer to home, PCUG's own Internet Service Provider, TIP (The Internet Project), is also operated with Open Source Software for that very reason.

New PC buyers are facing a dilemma when considering whether to invest in popular operating system software that includes licence fees and penalty components or move to "free" Open Source Software that is (arguably) perceived to be less capable.

The question to be considered is, "What is in the future?" The innovators know. They are the type of people who are always at the forefront of new innovations. They are usually right. They are using Open Source Software now!

The three presenters for the March meeting will look at Open Source Software from a user's perspective rather than a software developer's viewpoint. Mr Anthony Glenn will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of changing to Open Source Software, including the popular Linux operating system.

Mr Rod Peters, convener of the PCUG's Linux Special Interest Group, will present examples of Open Source Software that work well with the Windows Operating System. The free Mozilla Firefox browser, free Mozilla Thunderbird mail client and other free software will be demonstrated.

Dr Algis Kabaila, the coordinator and promoter of PCUG's Open Source Software activities will discuss the infinite opportunities of a free online encyclopedia called Wikipedia. You too can make a contribution to this fascinating work! Dr Kabaila will also demonstrate the PCUG wiki. This is a special facility set up within PCUG for you to "play" with and learn the infinite opportunities of Open Source Software!

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