Freeware discussion

For Linux devotees, and as an incentive to adopt open source software, I will include Linux material in this section. TerryB.

What is GRAMPS?

GRAMPS is a genealogical application, the name being an acronym for Genealogical Research and Analysis Management Programming System. It allows you to store, edit, and research genealogical data, with similar functionality to other genealogical programs. However, GRAMPS offers some additional unique features. GRAMPS attempts to provide all of the common capabilities of other genealogical programs, but, more importantly, to provide an additional capability of integration not common to these programs. This is the ability to input any bits and pieces of information directly into GRAMPS and rearrange/manipulate any/all data events in the entire data base (in any order or sequence) to assist the user in doing research, analysis and correlation with the potential of filling relationship gaps. GRAMPS currently runs on Linux, BSD, and Solaris. For more information about getting GRAMPS, see the download page.

JYBE Plug-In

Advanced Reality Allows Multiple People to Browse the Web Together using Internet Explorer and Firefox.
JYBE Plug-In Transforms Standard Web Browser into a Collaboration Tool for Businesses and Consumers. HOUSTON, Jan. 24, 2005 ­

Advanced RealityTM, the company that makes applications collaborative, today announced JYBE, a free browser plug-in for both Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) and Mozilla Firefox that allows two or more people to surf the web together regardless of their geographic location. JYBE, which also adds instant messaging to IE and Firefox, has a limitless range of business and consumer applications. For example, JYBE can be used to conduct free online presentations, browse web real estate listings with a broker, and provide Internet call centers with new service and support capabilities. Meanwhile, consumers can link-up with friends and family to go shopping online and visit their favorite news, entertainment, or research sites. JYBE installs in less than 1 minute and is available at: or at JYBE transforms the ubiquitous web browser into a collaboration tool. It is easy- to-use and requires no training. Upon installation JYBE adds a simple three-button toolbar to the familiar IE and Firefox user interface. These buttons allow the user to create a collaboration session, join a collaboration session, and end a collaboration session. When the "create  a  collaboration session"  button is clicked the user is prompted to enter their name and a session name.
Multiple users can join the same session, which allows all participants to navigate the web in lockstep. Unlike screen sharing products JYBE does not slow down web page response times.
The web browser is a universal window for accessing information, but the full promise of the Internet is to eliminate distance so that groups can navigate the web together and share a common view of content. That  wasn't  possible  until  now,"  said Brian Hoogendam, president of Advanced Reality.
"JYBE has the potential to transform the web by making the browser a collaboration tool that enables companies to improve business processes and consumers to experience the Internet in ingenious ways with friends and family."

Free Web Conferencing for Business or Pleasure.
JYBE provides a free, fast, and easy way to conduct web conferences with a multiple number of users. Any form of content available in HTML format can be viewed in a JYBE collaboration session. Advanced Reality will soon incorporate a special utility within JYBE that automatically converts Microsoft PowerPoint documents into HTML so users can create ad-hoc web conferences for business presentations, training sessions, customer support, or sharing personal photos. To ensure the confidentially of presentation materials, users will be required to create a session name and password.

Support for Enterprise Requirements.
To meet corporate requirements, JYBE can be centrally installed by IT staff without any end-user intervention. It can also be configured to encrypt data as it moves between participants in a session. To leverage existing security infrastructures, JYBE integrates with LDAP directory services such as Active Directory that contain role-based
access control rules and file permissions for Intranet and portal applications.

Corporate Licenses Available.
JYBE is a free product for businesses and consumers. However, corporate pricing is available for businesses that prefer to internally deploy and manage JYBE client licenses and server software.

Company Background.
Advanced Reality develops software that makes existing and new applications collaborative without the need for complex programming or expensive infrastructure. The company's flagship technology, Presence-AR, enables real-time collaboration across any computing platform, operating system, application, and access device. Advanced Reality offers productivity tools for making Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint,Microsoft SharePoint, Microsoft Internet Explorer, and Mozilla Firefox collaborative.The company also provides professional services for adding collaboration capabilities to existing software applications. Advanced Reality is privately held and headquartered in Houston, Texas. To contact Advanced Reality call 713.533.5839, visit us on the Web at, or write to
Editorial Contact:
Marc Gendron
Marc Gendron Public Relations

Linux Manuals

Agustin's Linux Manuals:
Volume 1 - Installation and Internet (72pp)
Volume 2 - System Administration (57pp)
Volume 3  - Multimedia and Hardware Installation (49pp)

are available for free download from
These are an excellent practical introduction to installing and understanding Linux. They print out very well as an A5 booklet using FinePrint, which was reviewed last month.

Microsoft AntiSpyware (Beta1)

Microsoft's currently free anti-spyware is being received enthusiastically, and is available from:

It scans memory, files, registry and cookies, and remains resident. It can be run manually like AdAware or Spybot S&D or scheduled for a specific time. My two computers have each revealed XferPro to scans by MS AntiSpyware twice in about a month. This is a Trojan downloader that is classed as a high threat and has obviously bypassed all other security optons I am taking.
Microsoft have announced that AntiSpyware will remain free and supported with the release soon of the post-beta version.

File Explorers

I have never been happy with Microsoft's Windows Explorer as a file and folder manager. Even Norton Commander back in the dark ages was a superior utility and, fortunately, many third parties have developed that to quite outstanding capabilities. One of the best, and free, file managers for several years has been PowerDesk5. But that has unfortunately been discontinued - though it is still available on some archives - and on my computers has started to show signs of instability as the operating system is updated. So I had a look around for a replacement and found two acceptable contenders.
I have adopted xplorer2 from, which is a powerful program offering many of the features of PowerDesk5 such as dual panes with horizontal or vertical alignment plus some new ones. It comes with a basic 112KB help file in HTML format. Or full documentation in a 2.4MB PDF file is available for download. This should suit advanced users who need more than what Explorer offers and are prepared to devote the time to learning its capabilities. A much simpler but still capable manager for computer novices is FileExplorer from I recommend this to anyone wanting a better file manager without a steep learning curve.


Internet ScamBusters is a free newsletter on Internet fraud, showing the ins and outs of protecting yourself from all the newest scams. It's a public service, published 2 to 4 times a month as an email newsletter, and provides you with a lively, entertaining and opinionated approach to protecting yourself online and offline.
It covers computer viruses, worms, Trojan horses, spyware, adware, scumware, etc., and the damage they cause; symptoms of virus infection; how they infect computers; and the differences between real virus and hoaxes.