The next Main Monthly Meeting will be held on Tuesday 3rd May 2005 commencing at 7:30 pm in the Manning Clark Centre, (facility 26A), Lecture Theatre 3, Australian National University, Acton. Visit the PCUG website http://www.pcug.org.au/activities/mmm.htm for a map of the Manning Clark Centre. The monthly meetings are free. Members, friends and the public are invited to attend. Don’t rush home after the meeting!  Stay for coffee, tea, biscuits and good company.  It’s all free!  Renew acquaintances, meet new people and ask those questions you didn’t get a chance to ask at the meeting!  Membership inquiries and renewals are welcomed too!  Email inquiries to pcug.mmm@pcug.org.au or phone 02-6287-2922.


Many computer users do not realize that their PC is like a machine and it needs maintenance from time to time.  Okay, technically a computer is not a machine, but it seems like one!  It has a mechanism (processor, memory and software) to produce an output, it needs fuel (electricity), it needs preventative maintenance (new batteries, fans, dust removal, firewall, anti-spyware, removal of unnecessary files etc), and it needs lots and lots of tender loving care!

This month Ojas and Rivati Sangoski from PC Series Computers in Bowral will discuss aspects of computer maintenance and housekeeping in a presentation called “PC Checkup.”  In a second presentation Ojas will discuss new technology, what is happening now and what is coming.

Ojas has a set of 7 small books available - the PC Series, a guide to better computing - and each has easy to follow step by step instructions. There is also a step by step guide to Powerpoint - PowerPoint Step by Step - as well as three Windows XP books for XP users - Windows XP Secrets, volumes 1, 2 and 3.  All are reasonably priced and will be discounted for this presentation.  Well known and respected PCUG member Terry Bibo has reviewed some of these books and commented “My response is that they are Superb! Your choice of topic, layout, and presentation are a pleasure to see” and “Congratulations on a very fine product.”  Don’t miss this informative presentation!

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