The PCUG Needs YOU!

We have many vacancies for willing workers - at this point only one of them is paid {:-((
But we are considering some payments to cover costs.

This will be a contract job - 3 days a week for 4 hours per day. Normally 10am to 2pm on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. An hourly rate in accordance with the Clerks award would be paid. The manager will be a motivated self-starter to maintain the PCUG centre (not technical maintenance), and to manage a pool of volunteer staffers to man on the other days. To answer phones and take membership updates etc. Some minor data entry skills would help. The position would not have to have expert computer knowledge - but some would help. So if you need a part time job - or know someone who does and who might be suitable - please apply. This one is so good I'd like it myself if I wasn't otherwise engaged!

To reinstall the network to all the centre computers. It would be nice if we have some enthusiastic (Cat5 certified) members who would love to take on this challenge for materials and a slab or two of beer or a few good reds. But if you, or you have a friend who is in this field as a business - we would obviously pay for the job at the going rate or by negotiation. Work in conjunction with the next position.

We have manned this as a volunteer position in the past and hope to again. The position would maintain the centre systems and networks and would arrange purchase of new and replacement parts, software and systems.

Help organise various forms of training - from 2 hour quick 'How to send an Email with attachments', to 2 day Microsoft 'Ultimate Potential' training on many MS programs. As part of the latter program, we are promised many thousands of dollars worth of software. We do not plan to rent the training area commercially at this time.

Following last night's committee meeting (minutes to be published within 7 days or so) - Anne Greiner has stepped up to the challenge of taking over the Treasurer's position. Thanks Anne. This leaves her old position of Secretary and company officer vacant. Ann Byrne had her arm twisted to take on extra duties as Secretary, but she is doing a more than full time job (as is Anne Greiner) and would hope that someone else could take over within the next couple of months. Of course the VICE President's job is still vacant - says he wistfully.

We have 3 groups within the committee who are concentrating on Centre Services, Member Services and Internet Services. Internet services have a close to full complement of members, but the other two would really appreciate some help and advice from the general membership. If you feel you could help there, please contact us.

We have quite a number who are willing to help in this area - either during the week or at weekends. And we can always use more. Specially at weekends. Training will be provided! You do not need to be a computer wizard, just to answer phones and work on renewals and new memberships etc.

I have probably forgotten some 'vacancies'. But these will do for the moment. Please contact myself and Ann Byrne if you would like to have a go at any of the above. Have a go! It's your group.

John Saxon  13 Apr 2005