Centre News

The "Digital Imaging" PC at the Centre now has a Dual-Layer DVD burner. This  type of burner is very economically priced at present. However, those having only occasional need for DVD burning or requiring the greater capabilities of the Digital Imaging PC may find that this resource in the Centre is useful.

The new burner is also capable of reading and writing DVD RAM media. Members intending using DVD Dual-Layer or DVD RAM will need to bring their own media. These media are about $11 each, and are not stocked at the Centre.

I've noted continuing interest in a few software products within some SIG and News Groups. Most of the general use PC at the Centre now have the Firefox 1.0.4 web browser installed. A few also have Thunderbird 1.0.2 e-mail and Open Office 1.1.4.

Rod Peters
LAN Manager 11 July 2005