Freeware apps

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Microsoft AntiSpyware (Beta1)

As Terry said in the March 2005 issue: Microsoft's currently free anti-spyware is being received enthusiastically, and is available from:

"It scans memory, files, registry and cookies, and remains resident. It can be run manually like AdAware or Spybot S&D or scheduled for a specific time. My two computers have each revealed XferPro to scans by MS AntiSpyware twice in about a month. This is a Trojan downloader that is classed as a high threat and has obviously bypassed all other security optons I am taking.

"Microsoft have announced that AntiSpyware will remain free, and supported with the release soon of the post-beta version.

"A more up to date version has been released, so it might pay uninstall; re-download it, and install again."