1-click Repair and Fix Windows with Advanced WindowsCare

Reviewed by Terry Bibo 

There are numerous tools for enhancing the performance of Windows - many of them either over-rated or too techno-geek for the average PC user. This appears to have changed for the better with Advanced WindowsCare for Windows 2000/XP from IObit, which can analyze and fix Windows with 1 click. It has a lot of features and scans and repairs your registry quickly, accurately detecting the bottlenecks for slowing down and crashing, and fixing them in about 30 seconds with one mouse click. Like all respectable utilities of this nature it has a built-in safeguard that will restore previous settings if the changes do not produce the desired results.
The image on the left  is the opening window that reveals basic attributes of the PC, but is the starting point for the Repair, Optimize and Restore functions.

Clicking the Analyze button produces a Summary of problems found, grouped in the five categories listed in the left pane of the window.

Clicking the Go! button will start the selected operation.

Clicking on Details  gives a comprehensive work list of what Advanced WindowsCare can do for your computer.

A detailed listing of the problems and solutions is presented when the mouse is paused on the problem.

These are settings in the various processes that run whenever Windows is started, and were best explained in the BlackViper.com website. Unfortunately that site has now closed but its essential material is still available at: majorgeeks
Much of this will be incomprehensible to the majority of users, so it is a matter of take it on trust. But this utility has a history of reliability.

While I have not observed the warning - with no adverse results - it is recommended that you close all other applications before running Advanced WindowsCare, since Advanced WindowsCare is doing serious system work. Also, keep your anti-virus and malware utilities up to date: but that should go without saying. This utility does not need to be run frequently; perhaps once a month would be sufficient.

If, after running Advanced WindowsCare, you find incompatibility problems with software or hardware, you should:

The Optimize function may apply many more system changes and should be chosen only if you want to try for a high-speed system without some Windows functions.

I do not expect to see a blazing improvement in Windows performance after running Advanced WindowsCare, but any utility that can improve its speed and efficiency at no cost and little effort surely deserves support.

Advanced WindowsCare is freeware, available from http://iobit.com/WindowsCare.htm