From the editor's desk

It has been a busy month for the committee. The activation of 0198 dialup for web access has, at long last, been achieved. But it still needs fine tuning as the President points out, and we ask that you do not use it where a local call is otherwise available.

The PCUG Centre is looking better every time I go there, and the staffers deserve our outspoken appreciation of their efforts to keep it running smoothly, under sometimes stressful conditions.

Involvement of members in projects is particularly noticeable this month, with the PCUG achieving prominence in Microsoft's Unlimited Potential competition, and a very willing and capable tutor commencing formal training courses before the month is over.

My own focus is on computer security, with yet another tool to prevent phishing expeditions and malicious software ruining your PC experience. Firetrust have generously donated vouchers  for two valuable software packages as door prizes at our April meeting.
Anecdotal evidence indicates an increasing vulnerability of the public, and some members, to phishing expeditions and phone scams wanting your financial details. If you did not initiate the communication  - as with a bank or online purchase - do not give away your credit card or bank account details. It's really as simple as that.

Beginning this month, we will try to present a review of the previous Monthly Meeting topic for the benefit of members who could not attend. Where possible we will provide links to that meeting's content, as with Microsoft's PDF file of their February presentation.

Terry Bibo

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