From the editor's desk

This is a personalities page today.

At out last committee meeting we lost Trevor Frew, who has been a valuable and tireless contributor to PCUG affairs since his election in 2004. Trevor has had to withdraw from committee activities for health reasons and his input will be missed. Fortunately for us he will be staying on as editor of Sixteen Bits and will be back in the chair when I go north for my winter vacation in June.

David Gill joined the committee as Training Room Manager and has a very positive approach to the subject. His behind-the-scene contributions are already extensive and you will be seeing the outcome very soon.

Gary Potts was voted Volunteer of the Month for his long and proficient dedication to office procedures, and the many hours he has contributed. Gary also assists in training at the relatively new Kippax Library, which could accept more volunteers. The library has about nine PCs variously providing access to the ACT libraries catalogue, the Internet (using IE), Word and Excel. They have two computers they dedicate to training on Wednesday and Thursday, when Gary tutors whoever turns up in  basic skills in the use of the components of a computer, the Internet, 'free' e-mail (Yahoo), Word and  Excel. The library has a computer with scanner, but last time he talked to the manager they needed someone familiar with using the scanner to assist people. Is there a volunteer out there willing to help?

I will be conducting a workshop on Saturday, April 29th, on PC security. See the Training News page for full details.

Terry Bibo

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