Process Library has a search bar to enter the name of a specific process or application you are interested in but, as a matter of interest, lists the current 5 most popular, new, and dangerous for the day. We will look at items from these three groups in turn.

This is the svchost.exe process definition chosen from the Top 5 Processes.
It can be a genuine and essential Windows process or a harmful Trojan, and is now up to the user to determine which is running on his or her PC. WinTasks 5 is an excellent program that offers more than just process verification. But, as we have seen, we can use the Process list from Spybot's Tools menu to determine this. The definition we will get in Spybot is not generic but specific to the process running on that PC.

Note the subtle change in the process name that has been hijacked here, scv- instead of svc-, enough to escape the notice of all but the keen eyed or paranoid. But since there is no genuine process of that name, it can obviously be safely removed.

New applications or processes may appear after the installation of software and not be as immediately obvious as this one. You can check these through Process Library's comprehensive database.

Uniblue, who maintain the Process Library, have released a tiny plugin that modifies the Windows Task Manager. It is available from the link shown on the top image in this page.
With Quick Access installed, pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del brings up a modified dialog box with information icons against all running processes. Left clicking on the icon will open the browser at the definition for that process in the Process Library site.