From the Editor's Desk

Yes, I know that I'm breaking the rules for publishing, by looking off to the left of the page, as mentioned among the topics re Paint Shop Pro, and graphic design layout issues. My function is that of editor, rather than writer of articles.

Terry has sensibly headed north for the winter, whereas I like the weather cooler than when I lived in Sydney. 1980, and still going. And for all smart alecs, I'm not talking about my age.

I'm sorry if you're bored to death with photographs and graphics, but I don't have a life, except lurking among the 40,000 or so messages in the Paint Shop Pro forums (newsgroups). It's FUN.

I don't use Outlook, nor Outlook Express, but use Agent for news as well as mail. Therefore don't need to load all the messages in newsgroups again each time I log on.

Paul Blair gives us his first impressions of Microsoft Vista beta. David Gill talks about training. and Mike Boesen posts two articles re testing memory, and viewing PC performance.

Involvement of members in projects is again noticeable this month, with a very willing and capable tutor David Gull, commencing formal training courses before the month is over.

Speaking of the end of the month, DON'T FORGET. The excellent free offer from Photos Forever expires on 30 June!

Where possible, we will try to present a review of the previous Monthly Meeting topic for the benefit of members who could not attend. We wanted to  provide links to that meeting's content. The person who was going to do that escaped the cool weather, and went on a much needed holiday close to the coast.

Some changes have been made in files in this current magazine. I recommend that you print out the helpers list, where Philip has added his name, and Computer Fairs calendar, if you go to any of those.

Trevor Frew