Michelle's Paint Shop Pro and More

I have been using Paint Shop Pro since version 5 and even though I have the retail version that includes the manual, I have learned more by following tutorials on the web and reading the Paint Shop Pro newsgroup. I have put these links on my page to make it easier for myself and others, especially those new to Paint Shop Pro to find. Most of the links listed under "graphics" have tutorials, tubes, and Blade-Pro presets. Others lead to plug-ins and brushes.

The remaining links are categorized as follows: Clip art, Fonts, Wavs, mIRC, Cooking, AOL members only and Misc. The Misc section will link you to picture tubes that I've created. You will also find a links to my galleries and something to entertain you if you're bored: Chimpwarp. In this section I've also included links to Terraserver, Urban Legends & Folklore, and the Freesite, which has... well, that's self explanatory.


If you really want a lot of wav sounds, check this link out: