Raw Shooter Essentials

From: Ron Lacey <c-tech@ronsfotos.com> 24 March 2005:
RSE has a new build available at

From the Pixmantec Newsletter...

Updated version

Since the initial release a month ago of RawShooter essentials 2005 we have been busy updating the product with improvements to quality, workflow and hardware and camera compatibility. Especially we would like to draw your attention to these improvements:
An updated version of RawShooter essentials 2005 (v1.1.1) is available now to download. We recommend that all current users upgrade to this version and that it be installed over your existing version 1.0. Please note that you will not have to re-register and all of your priorities / colour changes etc will be preserved. For a detailed list of amendments please see the Release Note for version 1.1 and the 'read me' text for version 1.1.1. These documents form an appendix to the existing User Guide highlighting any amendments.

Is it really for FREE?

The most commonly asked question we receive at Pixmantec concerns our strategy for a FREE product, after all nothing ever comes for FREE, does it? Well, yes it does. RawShooter essentials 2005 will be FREE forever more. There are no hidden catches and no expiry date; it is quite simply a superb FREE gift to the digital photographer community from one of the most exciting and innovative teams in the world of digital imaging. We understand that some users have been given the impression that the product is only FREE for a trial period, as alluded to by the messaging received during product download. However, we can categorically state that Rawshooter essentials 2005 will be FREE forever and that messages received to the contrary are merely a function of the services of our e-commerce partner.

The Corel partnership

When RawShooter essentials 2005 was announced at PMA in Orlando, USA on Sunday 20th February 2005, Pixmantec and our products were completely unknown to all except Corel with whom we had already formed an alliance.

Once news started to spread of the product's release, Pixmantec were thrust into the limelight and we haven't looked back. Within a day of the release RawShooter essentials 2005 had initiated several major news stories including those on Digital Photography Review, Rob Galbraith DPI, Steve 's Digicams, Digital Outback Photo and numerous other international and national websites.

The involvement of Corel has enabled us to gain influence and access an extended audience through their international network as well as presenting RawShooter essentials 2005 within their booth at PMA.

During the three days at PMA we actively demonstrated our product to both the US and UK press contingent and were overwhelmed with their response. At the UK 's premier camera show, 'Focus on Imaging', we again demonstrated RawShooter essentials 2005 to hundreds of eager photographers and journalists with similar response.

Pixmantec look forward to strengthening our alliance with Corel and anticipate the future release of several ground-breaking products to the burgeoning digital imaging market.

RawShooter - the next generation

This year we will be releasing a second RAW workflow product designed to build on the strengths of the FREE software by offering exciting new functionality and advancements for the RAW workflow. This retail product will be priced at a very competitive rate and all registered users of RawShooter essentials 2005 will be offered the opportunity to upgrade at an exclusive introductory rate. Should you not wish to upgrade you can continue to use RawShooter essentials 2005 without any penalty. As an existing registered user of RawShooter essentials 2005, you will be the very first to learn more about this new product in future newsletters. Here at Pixmantec, we are all very excited about its enhanced functionality and cannot wait for you to try it.

Support Forums online

Pixmantec would like to hear about your experiences of RawShooter essentials 2005. To register your enquiry, review FAQs or seek help from Pixmantec experts please go to the Support Forum on http://forum.pixmantec.com.

The Pixmantec team is dedicated to responding to any request or query you might experience when using our products. To optimize our ability to provide this customer support we would like to direct you to the Pixmantec 'Support Forums' at http://forum.pixmantec.com. In the first instance, we suggest that you scan through to see if any similar query to your own has been discussed. If this is not the case then please begin a new 'thread' including your support request as the subject line and we will ensure that you receive a satisfactory response to your query.

We hope that you find the RawShooter essentials 2005 support forums useful and a stimulating source of ideas and discussion.