PSP Books

I owned PSP 6 for years before I got any grasp of it. At the time I was unaware of the online resources for support and learning. I struggled with the manual and never really got anywhere. Then, at the end of last year,  I bought two books on PSP 6, one by Lori Davis and the other by Ramona Pruitt. They were wonderful. With their help and a lot of practice and experimentation, I became a fairly accomplished PSP 6 user.

Now I want to upgrade to PSP 9 which I assume will offer a lot more features but will also require a similar learning resource.  But I don’t see any books available for PSP 9 that would be comparable those I mentioned. Any recommendations?

Look for version 8 books instead. Features didn't change enough worth mentioning between 8 and 9. Certainly not enough to warrant new books. Plus, some authoring earlier 8 books can provide far more PSPing userdom savvy, easier reading, and smoother sailing.  Lori is a friend, but I can still be very objective. Okay, okay, so you got me, Sally is friend too, and I respect Ron's work immensely. However, if the books weren't truly worthwhile - then I'd just keep my big fat mouth tightly closed - instead of recommending them - which I  do.
You may want to take a quick run by my site too.
While it's not being updated these days, there are still one or two useful little tidbits to be found

Porter - 30 July 2005