Dragonfly Photograph

Up close and personal

I didn't plan to do any of this in the rain. It was sunny when I went out.  You should have seen the poor dragonfly that got clobbered with a big raindrop while it was sitting pretty on a blade of grass. It'd be about like us getting hit with a ball of water as big as a beach ball. It made it to cover I think. I actually went out to look for dragons. The rain started while I was starting to shoot this one. I got one photo and not a good one. Oh well...


This image worked over in PSP X only. To full image: increase gamma 1.5, DCNR full image with NR at 5 linked, 82% blend, 25% sharpen. Next, Crop, reduce to n x 800, Selection Tool Lasso-wings outside of leaf, do DCNR on selection at above settings. Save out standard JPG with EXIF at 15% compression.

And it looks quite a bit clearer than the full image does. Not bad for a half a minute's work.