Painting With Numbers

I have had Paint Shop Pro since version 5. I wanted it after I saw what Joe Cilinceon accomplished. The newbies can see some of his work at Sally's site at on another newsgroup.

I bought it, fell in love with it, and have used it ever since. There's just something about being able to create images without dragging out a sketchpad, and painting, without cleaning brushes that appeals to me (although I miss that sometimes). I miss it because in January 2004 I had a stroke that paralysed the right side of my body.

After 22 days in the hospital--most of which was rehab, I just thank God that I'm here. I'm doing great now, though, just a little slower at doing things than before and I still can't wiggle my toes. I'm not complaining or whining, mind you, because you feel such an appreciation for life when you go through something like that it's hard to see clouds when you were given a little more precious time with the loves of your life. In my case my husband of 15 years, a 9-year-old son, a 14-year-old daughter, and of course, other family and friends.

From: "Angie"