
It's past the time now, but the data was waiting for me just after I had reurned from Noumea - TrevorF

The 2006 Annual General Meeting of the PC Users Group
(ACT) Inc. will be held on Tuesday 3rd October 2006 in the Manning Clarke Centre Theatre 3 at the Australian National University starting following a Special General Meeting at 7:30pm. The Special General Meeting will consider changes to the rules (aka constitution) that were circulated to members on 11 September.

The audited annual accounts of the group are available on the website - see the home page for the link.

We hope to have a special guest speaker (yet to confirm) who should be of interest to all members.

There are insufficient nominees for committee positions for an election to be required and the resultant vacancies will be filled later by the
committee (so you can come along without fear of being dragooned into committee membership.

Nominations for the committee are:-

Vice President: John Franklin
Treasurer: Derek Jordan

Committee: Jack Vaughn, Jack White, Jeff Colwell, Graeme Evans, Peter Watney, Philip Veerman

The new committee will need to fill the positions of President, Secretary, and up to four committee members.