Before installing IE7

Comments from RoseW 25 October 2007 in the CorelPaintShopPro photography newsgroup.

You never know what you're likely to read here!

Required reading before installing IE7:

Go to the msnews - or to their web based forum which has the same content http://microsoft.public.internetexplorer.general 

There are posts there regarding the links and web pages freezing. Some web sites have code distinctly picking on IE6 there is a work around input posted on that newsgroup which will fool the website to believing it is dealing with IE6.

Internet Explorer 7 User Agent String

This version completes all the beta levels - it was put out Oct.18 and is slated to be an automatic update. I hadn't installed it before but I figured I would investigate and get a jump on it before any updates proceeded.

I notice that people who use hotmail are posting a lot of wailing and moaning. These were the links I checked out....
Automatic Updates will eventually offer you IE7, but you don't have to install it.

Release Notes:

{This has good stuff}
Sandi's notes on "IE7 Gold", including Installation Tips

IEBlog : IE7 Installation and Anti-Malware Applications

What's New in Internet Explorer 7

The stuff I use most often works and it will just take a little bit to get
on to clicking the X on the tab when a link is opened in a new tab. The major improvement for me is that the newspaper site I visit now will open a link. In Ie6 the whole browser would instantly shut down if I clicked on a link and it was only a pure chance that one day I discovered -right click/open in a new window and then the links would work. I wonder if they updated their code to suit IE7 since it was the only web site that went wonko after the Aug and Sept MS security updates.

The absence of 'stuff' across the top of the browser window is nice. I
suppose this is to accommodate the portable hand held viewers.

No corresponding update to Outlook Express. It appears that the browser and
the intermingling with the OEmail is sort of severed. There is an icon that can be added to the space across the top (customize menu) that has the command READ MAIL.

The New/mail or news feature is gone. VIEW SOURCE is
buried in a Tools menu. I haven't checked out the web developers' add on download. There are the typical problems and wailings on the Internet Explorer general newsgroup and it seems that add-ons to the IE6 could cause problems so I uninstalled my canon printer toolbar before installing the download. I thought it a little odd that there was emphasis on shutting stuff down in the systray including the antivirus because if it comes in as an update from MS then those items are not shut off, but I shut the stuff off anyway.

There was only one reboot and I had read that there could be 3 reboots.....perhaps that occurs if installing from the web.It works, and it will just take a little getting used to the new sleek look .... I think they took ideas from Firefox a little <lol>

Comments from Uncle Gus:
Did you know that you can customize the Links bar in Internet Explorer 7? You can add, remove, or rearrange shortcuts to your Favorites and folders of Favorites. Customizing the Links bar gives you one-click access to your favorite webpages.

Here's how:

To enable the Links bar

a.. Click the Tools button, click Toolbars, and then click Links.

To add a shortcut to the Links bar

  1. Click the Add to Favorites button, and then click Add to Favorites.
  2. In the Add to Favorites dialog box, click the Create In dropdown list, and then select Links.
You can also drag the webpage's icon from the Address bar or drag a link from a webpage directly to the Links bar.

To remove a shortcut from the Links bar

a.. Right-click the shortcut in the Links bar, and then click Delete.
To rearrange how your Favorites show on the Links bar

  a.. On the Links bar, drag a shortcut to a new location.

  - or -

b.. In the Favorites Center, drag a shortcut to a new location in the Links folder.
You can customize links with rt click/rename & right click/Properties & Change Icons with Favicon.ico files from Temporary Internet Files files or from site, you drag to links from address bar if it shows a Favicon.ico, such as Icons from WABI to Customize.

My IE7 Toolbars

As I use Google for my Home Page, I removed IE7 Search Bar using regfix from click "Tweaks",

You were right about spoofing IE7 that you were using IE 6 ~ for sites like  that will not open using IE7, but will using IE6. You should be able to workaround the problem with the stencil maker site by using the IE6 spoof from  by Eric Lawrence again.

When link opens, use regfile fix: "Internet Explorer 6 on Windows XP"
Close and restart Browser ~ Stencil-maker opens perfectly now.

I love IE7 so far. Hope this helps. Keep smiling.
Uncle Gus

Thanks for that 'one stop' tutorial <grin> I think the main issue is that
for SO long people have become accustomed to pointing the cursor to a particular spot, and now the spot has gone <grin> In my case it's 'view source' which has moved to the PAGE drop menu. I just have to retrain my mouse<grin> I like the maximum screen space so I'm going to try and do without the menu across the top.

I had a nifty web print toolbar from Canon (software connected to the Canon
printer) which allowed double sided printing- paper saver when printing content from a web site. Its latest version is not compatible with IE7- I tested the install and it halted with that message at the outset, plus it's on their website that it is not compatible, I discovered afterwards.
