Press Releases

AKVIS Coloriage v. 4.0: Colorize Your Memories

December, 2006 - With the release of AKVIS Coloriage V.4.0. for Mac and Win, AKVIS LLC presents the cutting edge technology for automatic B&W photo colorization. The newest version offers yet more flexibility in manipulation of colors on your photo. Now it is possible to change not only the color of the object but its brightness as well; it allows colorizing B&W photos in the colors you wish regardless of the original brightness of the photo.

To add color to black and white photos or recolor areas on a photo with AKVIS Coloriage is as easy as handling a coloring book. In fact, "coloriage" means a coloring book in French.

The colorizing technique is easy: you take the Pencil tool, select a color and draw a rough outline within the area to be colorized; the program recognizes the borders and paints in the new color keeping the tone transitions. No layers manipulation, no manual painting!

However, earlier it was not possible to color light areas with dark colors and vice versa ? for instance, to recolor a white dress into vermilion. The reason is that the program adjusts new colors to the brightness range of the picture to make them look natural.

By request of our users we added the possibility to change not only the color of the object, but its brightness as well. By default the program works as before, but now you can activate the "Preview Brightness" Mode and see how the chosen colors will look on the colorized photo and change their brightness if you wish.

The list of the tool's uses is practically endless. Home users can apply it to colorize old B&W photos from the family archives, for example, to make a present to the grandma by adding color to her early days' photos. 

Professional designers can use AKVIS Coloriage to try different color schemes for interior and exterior design. Anime and manga enthusiasts can apply it to add color to hand sketch drawings and comics.

The software does not only colorize B&W photos, the available Keep-Color tool makes it possible to replace colors only in defined areas of the picture. Thus, you can recolor clothes on your color photo or change the color of the hair, eyes, etc on a portrait. Selective desaturation and selective colorization of a color photo is made easy. Examples are available at: 

The new version has a streamlined interface; the hot-key R to start the automatic colorization process has been added. Now there is the possibility to change the brush size for main tools (Pencil, Keep-Color Pencil and Eraser) independently of one another. Read more about changes: 

Operating as a plug-in for Adobe Photoshop, Photoshop Elements, Corel Photo-Paint, Paint Shop pro, Bodypaint,etc AKVIS Coloriage requires no complicated techniques or special knowledge to achieve beautiful results.

AKVIS LLC offers a 10-day fully-functional trial of AKVIS Coloriage. 

Registration costs USD $97.00 for a home license and USD $246.00 for a business license. Home users can enjoy the full line of AKVIS digital imaging processing software in the AKVIS Alchemy bundle (Coloriage, Retoucher, Chameleon, Stamp, Enhancer, Sketch, Decorator and Noise Buster) for USD $285.00, a savings of $261 over purchasing each separately. These details are available at 

More information about Coloriage: 
Direct evaluation download URL:  (Win version)  (Mac version)
Screenshot URL:

Improve Your Productivity with Clipboard Recorder

From: Dai Hui <>
Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2006 18:45:19 +0700

Dear Sir/Madam,

I'm pleased to inform you and the members of ACT PC Users Group that LW-WORKS Software releases Clipboard Recorder 4.0.

Please, find the press-release for Clipboard Recorder below for your information.

I hope that you will inform other members of ACT PC Users Group about our product
and believe that many of them will find it of great value. 

We offer a 30% discount for this ACT PC Users Group. Please key in this coupon code: "special" when you order Clipboard Recorder Professional through our website.

Sincerely yours,
Dai Hui, LW-WORKS Software 

For Immediate Release

Contact: Dai Hui, 
LW-WORKS Software
Phone: (65) 68964205

Improve Your Productivity with Clipboard Recorder

LW-WORKS Software has released Version 4.0 of Clipboard Recorder -- an application that helps users to manage their Windows clipboard history and provides easy ways for users to access their saved clipboard data.

Clipboard Recorder is a very small and highly optimized system utility which uses negligible computer resources. It improves your productivity by extending the windows clipboard functionalities. Once it is running, Clipboard Recorder adds an icon to your system tray and sits back monitoring your system clipboard. As you copy any data from other applications to the system clipboard, Clipboard Recorder will capture it and store it to the listening clipboard record list in a compressed format.

Access your clipboard history is almost as easy as the built-in Windows Clipboard. Clipboard Recorder provides four easy ways to select the records: Popup Window, Floating Window, Menu Window and Main Window. Most of the time, you don't need to leave your working application to access you clipboard history! The selected clipboard records can be pasted to your working application directly just as if you have pressed "Ctrl + V".

Clipboard Recorder also features transferring clipboard data between computers. Therefore, users can do "Ctrl+C" on one computer and "Ctrl+V" on another.

Clipboard Recorder is available in two versions, Professional and Standard (Freeware). The professional version with complete online help costs $29.95. Clipboard Recorder 4.0 runs under Windows 98/ME, Windows 2000, or XP Home and Professional. Visit the LW-WORKS Software home page at to order Clipboard Recorder or to download a fully-functional trial copy. 

Founded in 2002, LW-WORKS Software produces utility software for Microsoft Windows.

Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.

LW-WORKS Software 

Press Release Photo Acute Studio

I am pleased to acquaint you and the members of ACT PC Users Group with the new software product, PhotoAcute Studio 2.0 and to offer the members of ACT PC Users Group 35% discount on this product.

The information about PhotoAcute Studio will certainly be interested for those who are keen on advanced technology.

I hope that you will inform other members of ACT PC Users Group about our product. Those members of ACT PC Users Group who wish to order PhotoAcute Studio at a reduced price, should use promotional code NWS-BIT0 when making an order. This code is valid in October 2006.

Please find the press release for PhotoAcute Studio below for your information.

Contact: Eugene PanichCompany: Almalence Incorporated.E-mail:

PhotoAcute Studio 2.0 to enhance the quality of digital images beyond the camera capabilities

Almalence Incorporated announces PhotoAcute Studio 2.0 - the breakthrough software product that dramatically enhances digital photos quality. PhotoAcute Studio processes sets of images taken in continuous mode. It utilizes super resolution algorithms to convert a sequence of photos into a single high-resolution and low-noise picture that could only be taken with much better camera.

PhotoAcute Studio improves all major image quality factors. The features at a glance are:
PhotoAcute Studio operates for various camera and image types - from mobile cameras to DSLR cameras supporting RAW format and 16-bit color. The greatest leap in quality is achieved on RAW photos taken with DSLR cameras that gives the professional photographers an essential use.

The spatial resolution is one of the most important factors of digital image quality. It is limited by camera's matrix and lens, but this limit can be exceeded by means of super resolution - the method of enhancing the resolution of an image or of an optical system. This can be done by either acquiring more graphic information (e.g. taking and merging several images of the same object) or by reconstructing the details lost due to the faultiness of the optical system (applying the knowledge of the optical system properties). PhotoAcute Studio uses both ways to achieve the maximum image quality.  The laboratory measurements of the widely accepted MTF50 parameter, performed with Canon 300D camera, show the doubling of the effective resolution.

The super resolution technology is used in supercomputer data processing in the industries such as satellite imaging and astronomy. Almalence engineers developed new mathematical methods of super resolution processing and implemented them within the software application for personal computers, making this powerful technology available for photographers.

The noise is the most undesirable factor that degrades image quality. The main problem of the noise reduction is the loss of image details. This becomes mostly apparent in the low light areas of the image, where the noise reduction removes both the noise and the details. PhotoAcute Studio combines several photos of the same scene, separating the useful signal and the noise, thus providing strong noise reduction without losing the image details.

Besides resolution enhancement and noise reduction, PhotoAcute Studio corrects common image artefacts: geometry distortions, chromatic aberrations and vignetting. By merging several images taken at different exposures, PhotoAcute Studio expands the dynamic range of the resultant image, revealing the details usually clipped in the highlights and the shadows.

All these features virtually improve the whole camera from matrix to lens, providing the possibility of taking better images even for those who use advanced and professional cameras.

PhotoAcute Studio is useful for wide range of photographers, who are interested in taking high quality images. Professional photographers, for whom the image quality is essential, will find it a good tool for achieving the best results in their work. For amateur photographers this product will be an add-on to their cameras, providing better images without changing the camera itself.

PhotoAcute Studio is Windows based application. The version for Macintosh is to be released in 2007Q1.

Detailed description of PhotoAcute Studio features, online help and examples gallery are available at

PhotoAcute Studio 2.0 is available for free in trial mode. The price of the full version varies, depending on supported camera types: from $19 for mobile phone cameras to $119 for DSLR cameras with the support of RAW format and 16-bit color. Users can get free licenses by contributing to PhotoAcute Studio development.

PhotoAcute Studio 2.0 can be downloaded at:

About Almalence Incorporated
Almalence Incorporated focuses on developing the cutting-edge methods of digital image processing and innovative software products for enhancing digital images. Our mission is to provide the photographers with the software tools that will help them to achieve the best image quality. The company was founded in 2005 by the group of professionals with strong background in computer science, software engineering and management.

Product page URL:
Direct download link: