Last Freeware

Herewith is a copy of a message posted to the Coffee and Chat mailing list, January last year.

Subject: [CandC] Last Freeware
From: Allan Mikkelsen <address deleted>
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2006 18:15:54 +1100

I must admit that I hate to pay for software when freeware versions are available. Unfortunately, lots of good freeware programs have now gone shareware or payware (programmers do have to eat), but the older free versions are still often satisfactory.

A good source for these programs is at

This post was prompted by Baillie's mention of JV16 this week.

If you don't need the absolute latest and need to keep your $US29.95, then the above site can be useful. 

It even has links to the commercial site if you want.

Cheers, Allan

It's a bit more than a year since Allan posted that message, but you might consider revisiting the page  - Trevor